My blog is number 35 on this list which came out a while ago and is in no particular order. Amazing, considering how infrequently I post. But I am more about quality than quantity. That is, after all, why I left seeing 24+ patients a day and now see about 4-6 patients/day in my little micropractice.
Speaking of Top 50 blogs, I notice over on the excellent DB's Medical Rants site that he is posting his monthly workout tally on his blog, I guess to hold himself accountable for his exercise regimen. Likewise, over the past few years, I have come to the realization that I need to be pushed to exercise.
Like many of you, I had my gym membership that got used for the first few months, only to languish and fall to the wayside as my schedule got busy and motivation waned.
Then a few years ago, my wife showed me this newspaper article about a trainer that can help you dunk. I thought, why not give it a try? So I called the trainer up and he has been training me ever since. I haven't dunked a basketball yet (at least not on a 10 foot rim), but I have touched the rim, something I haven't done since college. In case you're wondering, I'm only 5'9".
But I am convinced that if I keep at it, I will eventually achieve my goal and dunk. Just like I was able to establish my solo micropractice. But I still need some coaching to help get me where I want to be.
That is what we can all use sometimes, whether is is losing weight, eating better, managing time, etc. A little coaching. And a willingness to work at it.
18 hours ago